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FiBAN Pitch Western Finland

04.05.2021 | 16:00-18:00

FiBAN Pitch Western Finland is organized in co-operation with three cities: Tampere, Pori & Turku.

Create new connections and meet both potential startups and investors! A total of nine companies from the region of Western Finland will be selected to pitch at the event. Event is organized together with Business Tampere, Turku Science Park Oy and Prizztech Oy.

The event is targeted for investors interested in investing in startups. As well as for startups planning to raise angel funding.

More event information here. Read also news on our news section in Finnish or in English.

Startups, you can apply here. Please note that the application period ends on April 18, 2021. We’ll let you know when you are accepted at the latest by April 27.

Investors, register here!

Contact person for startups and investors in Turku Science Park Oy: Marko Puhtila




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Turku Science Park Oy
Prizztech Oy