Welcome to our Turku Regional Climate Ecosystem Day on March 1st 2023 at the Visitor and Innovation Centre Joki.

Turku is very active in reaching climate neutrality. We are very proud to have been selected by the European Union as one of the 100 Climate Neutral Cities by 2030.
To reach the target we need the collaboration of all the regional stakeholders involved: the housing and mobility sectors, policymakers, the industry, the healthcare and education sector, the employees and the citizens – and you are a very important contributor to this matter.

The focus of this session will be to identify challenges in the Sustainable Urban Mobility. The workshop is carried out in cooperation with City of Turku / Mobility services, Urban mobility solutions. We will exchange the roles, responsibilities, opportunities and challenges we have as a region and will use your input to identify opportunities for collaboration with the other regions*). The working language is mainly English, but You will manage also in Finnish. You can also forward the invitation.

We promise you a highly interactive and deeply impactful afternoon where we will create new initiatives and useful results.

The agenda:

12.00        Welcome by the Mayor of Turku, Minna Arve

12.15        Workshop part 1: interactive session on shared problem solving

Lunch will be whilst the session is running

13.45        Workshop part 2: opportunity and challenge identification Sustainable Urban mobility. Demand side reduction challenges, supply side solution challenges.

14.45        Coffee and email break

15.00        Workshop part 3: development of partners and coalitions

16.30        Conclusion: identified opportunities for Cities 4.0

Closing at 17 h.


You are most welcome, we won’t be able to do this without you!

Register here

For more information please contact Aino Ukkola

*) As partner in the EU program Cities 4.0 we collaborate with 4 regions (Eindhoven, Leuven, Bologna and Turku) to jointly work on some of our biggest shared challenges.


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EISMEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.