Building Successful Scaleups in the Central Baltic Area
Duration: 1.3.2023 – 28.2.2025
Project partners: Business Turku Oy Ab (Turku, Finland), Tehnopol (Tallinn, Estonia), and Movexum (Gävle, Sweden).
Funding: Total budget: € 1.123.558,38, of which € 896.524,05 from the European Regional Development Fund/Central Baltic Interreg
Apply for the next round by May 3rd!
Read more about the practicalities of the programme on the official Central Baltic project website.
Northbound Scaleups aims at:
Offering methods for inspiring more startups to conquer markets outside the home market by providing strong support for the scaling companies:
● NBSCALE Program
● Personal growth mentor for each startup
● Expert mentors to support scaling up – pool of 150 mentors covering specific needs
● Founder2founder support
By combining best practices in cross-border collaboration of three project partners in Finland, Estonia and Sweden; all with high innovation capacity, but limited national market opportunities.
Northbound Scaleups will result in:
● more companies achieving scaled-up status
● enhanced cross-border process for internationalization readiness
We will help 45 companies during the project duration:
● NBSCALE Program, parts 1-2: finding market fit and implementing soft landing on target market. Raising investments , developing the business model, new product/service, expanded the key team. Revenue from foreign target market during or latest soon after project duration.
● Market Discovery Mission: revenue from foreign target market during project duration.
Northbound Scaleups is a joint cooperation venture between
Business Turku Ltd, Finland
Tallinn Science Park Tehnopol, Estonia
Movexum AB, Sweden
Contact Person at Business Turku: Johanna Puhtila