Reeta Huhtinen

Account Manager, Circular Economy and Bioeconomy

Green Transition | Smart Chemistry Park

+358 10 321 8831

+358 400 832 488



I work in business and innovation services with bioeconomy and circular economy companies in the Turku Business Region. My specialty is to support the growth of SMEs in the chemical and cleantech fields.

Technology companies often need university-level expertise to support product development. I’ve put together corporate college consorts and helped them find funding. At the moment, I am facilitating the Smart Chemistry Park innovation platform and leading the circular economy cluster “Cluster – Circular materials and solutions for Construction Industry”.

I have a Doctor of Philosophy (Chemistry) and have previously been a researcher at Åbo Akademi and the Universities of Turku and Aston (UK). I have also been a product development chemist on the corporate side. In 2010, I started working at Turku Science Park and have worked extensively with CleanTurku’s top companies and universities. One of my tasks is to strengthen national and international networks to support the growth of businesses.

I help companies in the sustainable growth and find new contacts for companies and universities. Contact us and I let you know more about our services and networks.