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Yritysmatka Geneveen – tapaa YK:n edustajia


When? 5th – 7th Feb. 2024
Where? Geneva, Swizerland

United Nations’ annual procurement value is over 20 billion USD. Many SMEs have successfully won the agreement through relation building and careful preparation.

During the visit we will meet the representatives of 
The Common Procurement Activities Group (CPAG), inter-agency procurement network of Geneva-based UN entities and international organizations, to get to know the procurement process better. You will also have opportunities to meet some of the CPAG member UN organizations on one-to-one basis. On the second day we will visit CERN and hear about their procurement.

Preliminary program

5th of Feb.

Arrival of the participants

Visit to International Committee of Red Cross (TBC)

6th Feb.
Procurement seminar and overview of the UN organizations
Organzed by the Common Procurement Activities Group (CPAG)

Introductions by
International Labour Organization (ILO)
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG) 

One-to-one meetings with UN organizations and participating companies


7th Feb. 
Visit to European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) – (TBC) 


INGOs project provides coaching to prepare the participating companies for the meetings in Geneva and partially finance most potential companies’ travel costs (accommodation and program in Geneva).

Please fill in the form by 22.12 to register to the mission. All the companies can participate in the mission, however, due to the limited project resources each project partner organization selects the most potential companies whose travel costs the project covers. We will inform the result of the selection by 8th January 2024. The one-to-one meetings with the project partner organization and coaching will be done in the last half of January 2024.

More about Doing business with the UN:
Doing Business with the United Nations
Lunette’s guide to UN tenders

Further information and questions:
Sami Uusitalo,
Megumi Hayashi,


Promoting Exports to International NGOs(INGOs) offers small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) a comprehensive range of services in order to learn about the procurement possibilists of international NGOs and intergovernmental organisations. The project partners provide useful up-to-date information, facilitate networking events, and link businesses with expert coaches and mentors and helps to build consortia of companies. These actions serve the project’s primary objective: to equip SMEs with the necessary tools to secure contracts with international non-governmental and inter-governmental organizations. The project is funded by the EU Interreg Central Baltic program.
More info from project 

