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Thematic Event on Health Data Analytics by PRIVASA and Health Campus Turku

16.11.2023 | 13:00-16:00

Open seminar with synthetic data as one of the core themes

PRIVASA and Health Campus Turku  jointly organize an on-site event with a series of talks on the current trends in health data analytics, especially the emerging potential of synthetic datasets. The project spotlight will showcase the past, current and future research activities in the Turku area.

The event is open and free of charge to anyone interested, but all participants are expected to register by November 6.

Register to the event


Session 1: 13.00-14.20

1. Opening words | Ville Kytö, R&D Director, The Wellbeing  Services County of Southwest Finland

2. Keynote 1: What health professionals need to know about synthetic data? | Valtteri Nieminen, Helsinki University Hospital

3. Keynote 2: Who owns synthetic health data? | Tom Southerington, General Counsel and Data Protection Officer, Finnish Biobank Cooperative

3. Practical experiences on generating synthetic tabular data or medical images? Research results from the PRIVASA project (University of Turku, Turku University of Applied Sciences, VTT)

– Coffee break –

Session 2: 14.40-16.00

4. Panel discussion:  Industry and health service providers’ perspectives on health data sharing | Panelists: TBA

5. Project spotlight: SYNDATE, PHASE IV AI, CAID-X

Networking and snacks from 16.00 onwards.

For any inquiries related to the event, please contact the main organisers.

Health Campus Turku:
Mira Lehti,

PRIVASA project:
Tinja Pitkämäki,




Visitor and Innovation Centre Joki
Lemminkäisenkatu 12 B
Turku, FI-20520
+ Google Map


Health Campus Turku
Näytä Järjestäjä WWW-sivusto