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TechTurkuAVR: AR / VR Työturvallisuudessa


TechTurkuAVR organizes it’s first meeting which will be about new VR and AR technologies used in work safety (e.g. training). This group is open to anyone and one of it’s main goals is to bring these technologies closer to companies. We will meet two times during the spring. The first meeting will be held at ICT-talo Gamma.


Program (still open for changes):

14:00 Welcome, TechTurkuAVR, what, why and when?
– Michael Lindholm, Turku Science Park Oy
14:10 HSEQ eli Health, Security, Environment and QualityManaging
– Director Jani Pihl, Kiwa Inspecta Oy
14:40 Technology from Turku for safety at work
– Kaapo Seppälä, CTRL Reality
15:00 The new AVR centre, the AVR ecosystem and the Digikyvykkyys-project
– Mika Luimula, Turku AMK
15:20 How will AVR change the safety at work?
– Pasi Porramo, ADE
Coffee and we’ll move to the demo space.
TechTurkuAVR – Coffee, demos, buzz and other intersting things
16:00 – 18:00 Demos and buzz around VR/AR
Come and try out how this technology works and meet specialists in this field. We’ll also discuss how to develop the group and which are the subjects for the next meetings.
For more information contact / 040 – 5020089, more info here.
Also join the #techturkuavr FB group. Already joined the FB group TechTurkuAVR? If not, join here
This event is a part of Turku ICTWeek

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