Tervetuloa kuulemaan Patrian, Kempowerin ja Wärtsilän veturihankkeista 14.8. ja niihin liittyvistä yhteistyömahdollisuuksista ja rahoituksesta.
Tilaisuus järjestetään Tauno Nurmela-salissa Turun yliopiston päärakennuksessa klo 12 – 16.
Welcome to learn about three new Leading Companies and Ecosystems projects from Wärtsilä, Kempower and Patria. Event is targeted for researchers and SME’s who are interested to engage in these joint projects. You will also learn from Business Finland funding instruments and apply for an one-on-one meeting where you will have an opportunity to present your project idea to Leading Company representatives.
More info about Leading Companies and Ecosystems project can be found here:
12.30 Opening words, Business Turku
12.35 Wise/Wärtsilä
12.55 eAlliance/Patria
13.15 HETE/Kempower
13.35 Coffee and networking break
13.55 Presentations from local universities
14.40 Business Finland funding instruments
14.55 Closing words
15.00 – 16.00 One-on-One meetings
More information: Timo Huttunen