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INGOs Matchmaking & Consortia Building 1.–2.10.


INGOs-hanke kutsuu yrityksiä mukaan matchmaking-tapahtumaan Tukholmaan lokakuussa.

1.10. järjestettävässä tapahtumassa verkostoidutaan ja luodaan uusia yhteistyömahdollisuuksia suomalaisten, virolaisten, latvialaisten ja ruotsalaisten yritysten ja kansainvälisten NGO-toimijoiden välillä. Tapahtumaan kuuluu myös ruokailu Tukholman World Trade Centerissä.

2.10. kuullaan konsortioiden rakentamisesta NGO-markkinoilla. Asiantuntijapuheenvuoroja täydentävät yritysten toimialojen mukaan jaotellut pienryhmätapaamiset.

We are happy to invite you to our upcoming match-making and consortia building event on October 1-2, 2024. You can look forward to a couple of days with a company match-make that might open up for new business contacts and a consortia building experience where purchasing experts will give you direct feedback on your solutions. If you have not already registred, we encourage you to sign up and join us in Stockholm, Sweden!

October 1
We start with a light-hearted company match-mingling where you have the opportunity to mingle and create business with the companies in INGO’s network from Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Sweden. If you want, you are welcome to join us for a dinner at the World Trade Center facility near Stockholm’s central station.

October 2
Our keynote speakers for the day will guide and inspire you when it comes to the NGO business and what to consider when building a consortia. Asia Development Bank has already accepted our invitation and will talk about opportunities and what kind of technologies they are scanning the market for. After this we will gather in round-table discussions and outcome will be presentad to the expert panel, meaning a direct feedback reagaring your solutions! Below you can see our preliminary set up for tables. This might be altered depending on who is coming!

Check out the preliminary program here!

To proceed, we need your registration (below). When you follow the link, you will be able to make a selection on which team you want to join for the roundtable discussion. We really hope to see you all in beautiful Stockholm this fall!

Deadline for registration is September 15!

Ilmoittaudu mukaan

Nähdään Tukholmassa!

