CB Springboard

Duration: 1.12.2015 – 31.1.2018
Project partners: University of Turku (Turku, Finland), Turku Science Park Ltd (Turku, Finland), Tallinn Science Park Tehnopol (Tallinn, Estonia), Tallinn University of Technology (Tallinn, Estonia), Latvia Technology Park (Riga, Latvia) and Riga Technical University (Riga, Latvia)
Funding: Central Baltic Interreg Programme 2014 – 2020.
Results: Central Baltic Startup Springboard supported the development of new startups in Turku, Tallinn and Riga and their cross-border collaboration.Total budget for the project was 1.338.502 EUR of which 1.078.053 ERDF. Project period was 01.11.2015-31.01.2018.
Springboard provided a supported path towards entrepreneurship by implementing three joint 10-week business acceleration programs and coaching for the most potential teams. Targeted B2B matchmaking activities were also organised in order to support already established early-stage companies. By combining expertise across borders, it is easier to find potential business ideas and to establish globally competitive joint teams with versatile know-how and experience.
The goals set for the project were achieved. The final meeting in September 2017 summarised the best practises and lessons learned by the organisers and participants of the Springboard accelerator programmes. 81 teams with 179 team members in three cities participated in the project. The Project supported the creation of a total of 18 registered cross-border co-operative companies, four of which were joint companies. CB Springboard succeeded in increasing the cross-border collaboration of start-ups and business development organisations in Turku, Tallinn and Riga.
Further information: http://www.cbspringboard.eu/en
Contact person in Turku Science Park Ltd:: Johanna Puhtila