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BioTreffit & Health Tuesday

02.11.2021 | 08:00-09:00

BioTreffit & Health Tuesday will be organised in November 2021 without a local company presentation. The Health Tuesday theme is this time ”The promise and current status of digital therapeutics”.

Digital therapeutics (DTx) is an exciting and growing field of are evidence-based therapies that complement pharmaceutical therapies and are typically employed in the prevention and management of chronic diseases and conditions such as diabetes, obesity, asthma and depression. As digital therapies collect data from the patient, they can be optimized for an individual patient while also collecting data for developing the therapies for future patients and accumulating data to measure outcomes for payers.

If you want to learn more about this exciting and rapidly growing area, join the Health Tuesday event. Please register here.


8.00 Opening Words, Sampo Sammalisto, Head of Personalized Health Finland, Business Finland

8.05 The promise of Digital Therapeutics, Johannes Ahlqvist, Specialist, Health Data, Sitra

8.20 TBA, Anssi Mäkiniemi, Head of X Lab, Orion

8.35 TBA, Orla DTx

9.00 Health Tuesday event ends

More information: Hanna Halme




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Business Finland
Turku Science Park Oy