We are now Business Turku!


On Friday the 16th of February, The Finnish Patent and Registration Office added our new company name to the trade register. As of now, we are officially known as Business Turku Ltd.

Our reasons for the renewal are the ever-evolving modern-day operating environment and the desire to reach an increasingly broader group of businesses in the region through our free services. The new name reflects the company’s commitment to the development of the local business community and its international appeal.

In the picture, Business Turku CEO Tom Palenius holds a sign above his head with 'Business Turku' written in blue. In the background is the main entrance to ICT-City on Joukahaisenkatu, providing access to Business Turku's facilities.
“Business Turku’s goal is to boldly bring business services closer to customers,” says CEO Tom Palenius (in the picture). The company’s experts support future entrepreneurs, business owners, and companies at the ICT-City building in Kupittaa, Turku.

As of the 16th of February 2024, the development company of the Turku region, Turku Science Park Ltd, will operate under the name Business Turku. The name reflects the company’s mission as an accelerator of business success and serves as an international marketing brand for business development in the Turku region.

The Business Turku branding immediately replaces the existing Turku Business Region brand and the official name of Turku Science Park Ltd.

“Through the various dimensions of the new, modern brand, we want to address our target audiences and create services and ways of communication that they expect from us,” says Tapani Mylly, Chief Marketing Officer of Business Turku.

The branding work was carried out in close collaboration with local stakeholders and businesses. During the planning phase, surveys were conducted among both companies and stakeholders, and face-to-face discussions helped define the goals of the rebranding.

“In all surveys and discussions, Business Turku emerged as the best name option, so the choice was clear,” Mylly reveals.

Business Turku’s mission is to develop the entire Turku region in close collaboration with local businesses, universities, and the public sector, while offering free services to aspiring entrepreneurs and local businesses. The operations are funded by the City of Turku and ten surrounding municipalities: Kaarina, Lieto, Masku, Mynämäki, Naantali, Nousiainen, Paimio, Raisio, Rusko, and Sauvo.

The aim is also to increase the international attractiveness and visibility of the Turku region. Through a brand that operates internationally, the region aims to attract more international talents, businesses, and investors.

The blue Business Turku logo, next to one of the company's slogans Growht outside the box.

Clear and modern services for businesses

The impetus for the brand renewal stems from the needs of corporate customers. Business Turku’s customer satisfaction has been consistently high (4.7/5), but the business services, provided free of charge, have not yet been widely used by local businesses.

The new brand simplifies the naming hierarchy and brings the services of the local business community under one name.

Alongside the brand renewal, Business Turku’s digital service channels are being developed, especially in the coming year, to meet the changing demands of the operating environment.

“Our main goal is to create the conditions for the success of local businesses and the Turku region. We actively seek new innovative ways to promote the success of local businesses. A clear and future-oriented branding and the development of our digital service channels supports this,” says Tom Palenius, CEO of Business Turku.

Business Turku’s services are designed to meet the various needs of businesses in different stages of their life cycle, with a focus on supporting growth-oriented businesses.

“Even though our core mission is to enable the growth of businesses and the Turku region, every entrepreneur and aspiring entrepreneur can turn to us in any situation. If we cannot help you ourselves, we will find you the right support services from our extensive network,” assures Tiia Turkki, Director of Entrepreneurship & Business Services.

Head in the clouds, toes in the Aura River

The new brand was launched on November 1, and now the goal is to establish Business Turku’s position in the minds of customers and partners. At the national and international levels, the goal is to stand out by building a strong expert brand with just a touch of playfulness.

“Business Turku will evolve over time. In the coming year, we will focus on bringing the brand to life and into use. We will develop websites that start from the customer’s needs, streamline our communication, and train our staff,” Mylly says.

“Our aim is for strong growth in the Turku region, both locally and internationally, with our heads in the clouds and our toes in the Aura River,” he continues.

The steering group for the branding work included Tom Palenius, CEO of Business Turku, Tapani Mylly, Chief Marketing Officer of Business Turku, Saara Malila, Communications Director of the City of Turku, Kristiina Kukkohovi, CEO of Visit Turku Archipelago, and Janne Mustonen, CEO of Turun Seudun Kehitys Oy.

The collaboration partners included Iina Merikallio from Merikallio&Son, Antero Jokinen from Jokin Oy, and Piritta Koivisto from Hilp Oy.

The article was altered on the 21st of February 2024 after the new company name was added to the trade register.