We serve companies in 11 municipalities in the Turku region
Business Turku is a regional business company whose services cover not only Turku but also the ten surrounding municipalities of Kaarina, Lieto, Masku, Mynämäki, Naantali, Nousiainen, Paimio, Parainen, Raisio, Rusko, and Sauvo.
The municipalities in the Turku region purchase services from our company through its owner Turun Seudun Kehitys Oy.
Our values

We work with a customer-focused service attitude
This means identifying needs, taking the initiative and doing what we promise. To increase our impact, we are boldly trying new ways of doing things.

We are involved in transforming our customers’ businesses towards responsible growth
This requires vision, continuous development of our expertise and networking. We also take responsibility for the changing world in our own operations.
Chairman Minna Arve, the Mayor of Turku
Piia Elo, Councillor at Turku City Council
Mikael Lindfelt, Rector at Abo Akademi University
Marjo Kaartinen, Professor, (Rector at University of Turku from 1.8.)
Vesa Palander, Turun elinvoimajohtaja
Tomi Penttilä, Head of Bayer’s Product Supply Center in Turku
Elina Rantanen, Chairperson at Turku City Council
Matti Rihko, Chair of the Board
Panu Routila, Chair of the Board
Vesa Taatila, Rector at Turku University of Applied Sciences
The CEO of Business Turku ltd is Tom Palenius.
Business Turku Ltd / Business Services: Tykistökatu 4 B, 20520 Turku, ElectroCity
Business Turku /
West Finland Film Commission: Tykistökatu 4 B, 20520 Turku, ElectroCity
Business Turku / Smart Chemistry Park
Raisionkaari 55, 21200 Raisio, Raisio Ltd. Industrial Area
The Turku region is Finland’s most dynamic hub of business and innovation activities, offering the best services to entrepreneurs and companies.
We provide and broker high-quality services for both starting a business and growing, developing and internationalising an existing business.
We work to make our region the best place for responsible business, talent and investment.
We were previously known as Turku Science Park Oy
The Business Turku name was launched on 1 November 2023, when Business Turku replaced both the marketing name Turku Business Region and the company name Turku Science Park Oy. The name change was registered in the Trade Register on 16 February 2024.
Get leverage for your business from Business Turku!
Leave us a contact request and let’s see how we can best help you.