Terveystalo to become a shareholder in healthtech startup Etsimo


  • Etsimo and Terveystalo harnessing AI to assist the customer and the healthcare professional
  • Etsimo employs 19 professionals, most of them in Turku
  • Terveystalo’s investment supports deep cooperation with Etsimo

Terveystalo has signed a contract on 27 November to acquire a share of about 20 % in Etsimo Healthcare Oy. Etsimo Healthcare was established in 2016 and develops a platform built specifically for healthcare, combining artificial intelligence, machine learning and health data. On top of Etsimo’s platform, Etsimo’s clients can quickly implement digital solutions that fit into their existing service design, which makes it possible for them to easily offer AI-based services to consumers. One example is an AI-assisted care need self-assessment service that can be integrated into a mobile application, allowing the user to evaluate their own health status in order to determine care need, urgency and the next step. The company employs a total of 19 business, medical and technology professionals. More about Etsimo at www.etsimo.com.

“Terveystalo wants to be a catalyst for digitalisation of healthcare services as part of our quality and customer focused strategy. Artificial intelligence solutions simultaneously improve both customer experience and clinical quality. We have invested in building our digital development capabilities and produced a number of support applications for our customers and our own professionals. Key themes in development include holistic well-being, prevention and predicting and managing workability,” says Juha Juosila, Director of Terveystalo Digitalisation.

“Our investment supports deep cooperation with Etsimo. We are delighted to access and further develop Etsimo’s AI-based assessment tool together. The combination of human and AI will continue our quality agenda. We will pilot the tool with our nurses who assess the need for care, and the goal is to extend our use over the next year to, among other things, online appointment bookings. The tool helps in guiding the customer to the right professional, in the right channel and at the right time. This enables an even more fluent customer experience and frees up time for healthcare professionals,” continues Juha Juosila, Director of Terveystalo Digitalisation.

“We have aimed to develop our solution to meet the challenges of availability and access in healthcare and Terveystalo is the ideal partner for Etsimo. We share the same vision for the future, and together we have the opportunity to offer outstanding digital services for a more holistic, predictive and preventive healthcare delivery in the future,” says Thomas Grandell, CEO of Etsimo.