Emilia wants to step up the game when it comes to today’s cleaning industry. Digitalization is the first thing that comes to mind when talking about disrupting a business, yet the founder of Mintti Siivous (Direct translation: Mint Cleaning) puts people before everything else. Although digitalization and ecological values are at the core of the company, she wants her employees to excel first and foremost. We asked Emilia how they are renewing the industry and why the Turku Region is an optimal place to be.
- About the company: Mintti Siivous offers high-quality, ecological and easy-to-buy cleaning services for companies and households.
- Founded: in 2020
- Team: 3 founders and 10 employees, of which 3 are minority shareholders
- Location of the office: In the eastern center of Turku, next to the University of Turku
- Latest achievement: Employees voluntarily stay to clean the office after work on Fridays – could there be a more engaged staff?
- Random fact: The company got a business ID the same week Covid-19 shut down Finland. Despite the challenging beginning, Mintti Siivous has grown rapidly.

I am about to meet entrepreneur Emilia Nordquist in front of Mintti Siivous’ office and immediately fall in love with the old and renovated wooden house hosting the company’s headquarters. We are only a stone’s throw away from the center, however the area’s greenery, beautiful architecture and birds’ livery almost make me forget that we are actually meeting for work.
Spreading joy and enthusiasm around her, Emilia promises to take me on a tour of her favorite places and share how Mintti Siivous is revolutionizing the cleaning industry. Admittedly a fascinating combination, let’s get going!
Why did you choose the eastern center of Turku as our meeting place?
The area is called District I, located next to Yliopistonmäki (University Hill) and bordering the riverside. It was chosen as the District of the Year in Finland in 2021 thanks to its strong collaborative spirit. Furthermore, the area is also visually very pleasing; the restored houses, the riverside and the relaxed atmosphere hit the spot for Emilia.
“I love the riverside! Fabbes Café and Kirkkopuisto terrace bring people together and are really lovely places to visit.”

Emilia is originally from Pori and she moved to Turku at the age of 18 to study mechanical and production technology. At that time, she lived in the Student Village a.k.a. the root of student life in Turku. The current office is located less than a kilometer from her old student residence. On top of that, Emilia’s father once studied in the same buildings.
“There was a time when moving to Student Village was the beginning of a new phase of life. In terms of entrepreneurship, getting my first office space was a significant step towards independence. Hence many important stages of life have started from these historically fascinating hoods.”
What does the Turku Region offer to growth-oriented companies and experts?
The Turku Region offers various support services for companies. Emilia and her team participated in the ‘Level Up’ acceleration program organized by the regional development company Turku Science Park Ltd., where for a year, different aspects of the company were developed together with qualified mentors. During the program, Emilia’s identity as an entrepreneur formed into its current shape.
“As an entrepreneur, the most important skill to learn is to listen to everyone, but to think carefully about which advice to follow. You must have a clear vision of what you want to achieve.”
The Turku Region is an ideal place to live for many kinds of experts. Like many others, Emilia highlights that the city is ‘just the right size’. Turku has enough services and a lot of different activities, but it is not a huge city. Compared to her former hometown Warsaw, Turku has just the right amount of people, nature and peace.
“The youth are attracted by the unique university-spirit reigning in Turku. They keep the city alive, competitive and international. Labor and jobs are available. Besides, there are wonderful residential areas for different stages of life. Personally I wouldn’t leave Hirvensalo.”
What kind of services Mintti Siivous offers?

The goal of Mintti Siivous is to offer high-quality, ecological and easy-to-buy home and business cleaning services. The three aforementioned themes are key establishments in the company. Quality is guaranteed by committed employees, whom the company takes care of in every possible way! Valuing people, comprehensive orientation and trust make them achieve their best. It is also possible for long-term and development-enthusiastic employees to become minority shareholders.
“My most important task is to make sure that everyone has a chance to shine!”
Ecology is the company’s second most important value. Domestic eco-certified products are used for cleaning, regardless of the price. The choice gets a lot of praise from customers, and especially young employees appreciate ecological alternatives.
Thirdly, Mintti Siivous wants to make shopping easy. Therefore, the company has implemented its own web app for contract customers. From ordering to giving feedback, it enables effortless purchasing and makes following the entire customer journey efficient. As a result of this solution, employees can get rid of the outdated need to fill in post-its and papers. An open-minded digital solution and an international marketing lens characterize Mintti Siivous as a startup ready to scale up as well as revolutionize the future of cleaning business.
“We are currently in the middle of a funding round, as we want to develop the application and take the entire service experience even further. We are going to bring the cleaning industry up to date and eradicate the stale notions about the industry.”
What does a “turku-nized” entrepreneur think about her current hometown?
“There is a supportive spirit in Turku and many people sincerely want to help and root for each other. It is of utmost importance to become a successful startup.”