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Health Tuesday – Sustainability in healthcare

06.09.2022 | 09:00-11:00

The sustainability in healthcare is a truly explicit challenge for the future and therefore taking proactive actions towards a healthier future is essential. Join us for our next Health Tuesday session on sustainability in healthcare. This session is arranged in collaboration with the Embassy of Denmark in Finland, Nordic Center for Sustainable Healthcare and Business Finland.

There is lot of transition and efforts on-going in order to provide more sustainable healthcare in the future. The Nordic countries are the first movers in this field and sustainability considerations are increasingly more integrated part of both healthcare providers’ as well as health technology providers’ operations. We will hear latest news and examples on how healthcare providers and technology providers in Denmark and Finland are taking steps towards providing more sustainable future healthcare. In the roundtable session you will have a chance to ask questions and participate in the dialogue regarding sustainable healthcare.

Agenda and registration

Further information: Hanna Halme



