Turku attracts international top professionals to Finland with a unique campaign


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  • Professionals in technology Fields are searched to Turku in a global Talent Call Turku campaign 
  • Five families from different parts of the world will win a trip to Turku in August 2019
  • Ensuring the availability of competent labour force is essential to the growth of the companies in the Turku Region

There is a severe shortage of experienced coders, engineers and other top professionals in technology fields in Turku. To solve this problem, Turku announces a global Talent Call Turku campaign. The campaign is organized by Turku Science Park Ltd and the City of Turku in cooperation with Business Finland.

The campaign invites highly educated international professionals to get to know job and career opportunities as well as family life in Turku Region. The aim of the campaign is to attract competent workers in the fields where the companies suffer from labour shortage. The campaign is opened today, 23rd April, and the selected winners will travel to Turku in August.

Finland is one of the best countries in the world to balance working and family life. Finland was, for example, selected as the best country for expat families in 2018. Turku Region is the fastest growing innovation and competence cluster in Finland. The companies in our region offer lots of interesting work opportunities to experts in different fields and Turku as a city gives an excellent environment for a good life, says Mayor of Turku Minna Arve.

Five families will win a trip to Turku

In the campaign five families from different parts of the world will win a trip to Turku in August 2019. The programme of the trip includes company visits, family activities and introduction to public services. Talent Call Turku aims to reach at least 20 million people who belong to the target group.

– Ensuring the availability of competent labour force is essential to the growth of the companies in the Turku Region. Maritime industry alone will need thousands of new professionals during the next few years.
It has become clear that companies cannot find all the experts they need domestically. We must be able to attract top professionals also from abroad, says CEO Niko Kyynäräinen from Turku Science Park Ltd.

International talent attraction campaigns have been carried out by, for example, New Zealand (Wellington), the Netherlands (Eindhoven) and Estonia. This is the first similar campaign in Finland.

Many companies in Finland are in need of specialists. The Talent Boost campaigns and events abroad aim at attracting specialists to come and work in Finland. Talent Call is an excellent example of this kind of campaign. Talent Boost offers networks to companies to find international specialists. It also gives financial incentives to employ the first international professionals, says Ulla Hiekkanen-Mäkelä, Head of Talent Boost, Business Finland.

Application period till 19th of May

Talent Call Turku has opened on 23 April 2019 at www.talentcall.fi. The application period lasts till 19th of May. The winners will be selected during June.

Talent Call Turku is organized within the framework of Talent Boost Turku AIKO project, financed by the Regional Council of Southwest Finland and implemented by Turku Science Park Ltd. Talent Call Turku is part of Talent Turku ecosystem, the purpose of which is to advance the attractiveness of Turku region among international specialists and their families.

Talent Boost Turku is a part of the national cross-administrative Talent Boost Finland programme coordinated by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland and Business Finland.

Business Finland’s video ”Build a life around your career in Finland” https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=32&v=PsAn_Q2Ho68

The Family Life Index 2018 https://www.internations.org/expat-insider/2018/family-life-index-39591

Contact information:

Talent Turku and Talent Call Turku campaign: Janina Nieminen, Specialist, Talent Turku, Turku Science Park Ltd, janina.nieminen@turkubusinessregion.com, tel. +358 40 756 7746

Talent Boost: Katri Raevuori, Project Manager, Business Finland, katri.raevuori@businessfinland.fi