Termeri – Health Safe Maritime Cluster

Duration: 1.4.2021 – 31.3.2022
Project partners: University of Turku (coordinator), Turku Science Park Ltd.
Funding: Regional Council of Southwest Finland, AKKE funding. Maximum funding EUR 67 955 (70% of total costs). Turku Science Park Ltd.’s share EUR 16 000 (+24% flat rate).
Project in a nutshell: The aim of the project is to find innovative and business-friendly health-safe operating methods for companies in the Southwest Finland maritime cluster, including space and material solutions, in cooperation with educational and research organizations. They help target companies cope with current and future market failures such as a pandemic.
Duties of Turku Science Park Ltd.: Supports the University of Turku especially in contacts to companies and also participates in expert work.
Contact person in Turku Science Park Ltd.: Vesa Erkkilä