Kulttuuri- ja elämysteollisuuden kasvuohjelman suunnitteluhanke

Duration: 1.1.2022 – 31.12.2022
Funding: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland (Supporting the sustainable growth and vitality of regions) / Regional Council of Southwest Finland (funding authority)
Project in a nutshell: The aim of the project is to develop growth program for growth seeking companies in the culture and experience industry. The program will promote the development of new innovations, often related to digitalization, and export to the new global markets. Co-operation with the actors of Culture Campus Turku enables to bring the business and innovation services of universities as part of the program. Growth program will be part of Turku Business Region’s services to serve the whole region. Piloting of the program is planned during the project and funding for the program is applied in co-operation with other national partners.
The concept for the program is designed in five workshops together with the partners of Culture Campus Turku. Workshops will be held on following Thursdays: 9.6.2022, 15.9.2022, 13.10.2022, 10.11.2022 and 24.11.2022.
Duties of Business Turku Ltd.: Business Turku Ltd. is responsible for creating a concept for the growth program in co-operation with Culture Campus Turku’s partners.
Contact person in Business Turku Ltd.: Project Manager Sofia Pihlava