CAIDX – Clinical AI-Based Diagnostics

Duration: 01.01.2023–31.12.2025
Project partners: The Innovation Clinic, Aalborg University Hospital, The North Denmark Region (Denmark, lead partner), AUH Innovation, Aarhus University Hospital, Central Denmark Region (Denmark), Danish Life Science Cluster (Denmark), Wroclaw Technology Park (Poland), Lower Silesian Centre of Oncology, Pulmonology and Hematology (Poland), BioCon Valley® GmbH (Germany), Rostock University Medical Centre (Germany), University of Rostock (Germany), Tartu BT Park OÜ (Estonia), Business Turku Ltd. (previously known as Turku Science Park Ltd (Finland)), The wellbeing services county of Southwest Finland (Finland), Region Skåne (Sweden), Innovation Skåne (Sweden)
Funding: €2.91M in total, of which €2.33M from European Regional Development Fund, Interreg Baltic Sea Region. Turku Science Park Ltd.’s total partner budget is 271 400€.
Project in a nutshell: The CAIDX project (acronym for Clinical Artificial Intelligence based Diagnostics) is co-funded under the EU’s Interreg Baltic Sea Region programme. CAIDX aims to facilitate the uptake of AI and data driven diagnostics tools for hospitals by focusing on co-development, contracting, acquisition and capacity building. By collecting best practices and creating guidelines for development, testing and implementation of healthcare-focused AI applications, we support and accompany the cultural change necessary to unfold the potential of AI in the healthcare sector.
More information: CAIDX – Interreg Baltic Sea Region (
Duties of Business Turku Ltd.: Business Turku Ltd. will contribute its expertise in all phases of the project and take on the leadership role in two groups of activities.
Contact person in Business Turku Ltd.: Merja Tieaho