BioDemo – Demonstrating the Value Chains of a New Field of Industry

Duration: 1.8.2022 – 31.7.2025
Project partners: Turku University of Applied Sciences, Åbo Akademi University, Business Turku Ltd.
Funding: European regional development fund (ERDF), 60 % of financing, 40 % self-funded. Funded as a part of the EU regional and structural policy funds for the 2021-2027 program period. Business Turku Ltd.’s share of the total group project budget is EUR 452 086.
Project in a nutshell: The BioDemo project contributes to the development of bio and circular economy business operations on an industrial scale in the Turku region. Bio- and circular economy companies are brought together in functional value chains that include biomass harvesting and acquisition, as well as refining and processing of raw materials into final products. The functionality of 2-3 bio- and/or circular economy value chains will be demonstrated on a pilot scale. In the project, investigation, facilitation, stakeholder engagement and research work are carried out. Raw materials compatible with the bio and circular economy can be used for example as raw materials in the textile and cosmetics industries.
As a result of the project, companies in the Turku region will have demonstrated the functionality of circular economy value chains based on local raw materials, such as straw, common reed and recycled textile fibers, and potential end products have been identified. The project also collects information on the availability of bio-based raw materials in the Turku region, such as straw and common reed, and how the availability meets the industrial raw material needs. The companies participating in the demonstrations gain valuable information and insights for further developing and growing bio and circular economy business.
The project strengthens the innovation activities of the entire Turku Business Region and in the long term supports the development of a new bio- and circular economy industry in the Turku region.
Duties of Business Turku Ltd.: Business Turku Ltd. is the project coordinator and main developer of the group project. The development company cooperates seamlessly with Åbo Akademi and Turku University of Applied Sciences (TUAS). In addition to the coordination of the group project, the company is responsible for:
- Work package 1 together with TUAS: Mapping and developing supply chains of raw materials according to the bio and circular economy
- Work package 3: Demonstration of the functionality of the value chains formed by companies
- Work package 4: Communication
Åbo Akademi is primarily responsible for work package 2: The development and productization of sustainable products with a high degree of processing from raw materials according to the bio and circular economy.
Contact person in Business Turku Ltd.: Ida Forssell-Martikainen and Reeta Huhtinen