3C Cluster – Circular Materials and Solutions for Construction Industry

Duration: 1.10.2020 – 30.6.2022
Project partners: Turku Science Park Ltd. is the sole executor
Funding: The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment. The entire budget is 137 765 €, of which Turku Science Park Ltd. self-finances 50 %.
Project in a nutshell: The development project involves the construction of the 3C expertise cluster (Cluster – Circular Materials and Solutions for Construction Industry) in the Turku region. A group of around 20 construction industry companies, who have an interest in developing business operations based on circular economy, has been assembled for the project. The project opens up new avenues of experimentation for actors, so that companies can get their new circular economy-based products and services onto the market. They themselves are in charge of mobilizing their new solutions onto national and international markets, however, they will receive support from the 3C Cluster.
The duties of Turku Science Park Ltd.: The company acts as the initiator and coordinator of the 3C cluster and brings together companies, institutes of higher education and actors from the public sector, and produces innovation and business development functions for cluster members. The project provides Turku Science Park Ltd. an opportunity to organize various company meetings, networks and workshops. Turku Science Park Ltd. is also in charge of the cluster’s marketing and communications while the project is running and after it concludes.
Contact person at Turku Science Park Ltd.: Reeta Huhtinen