• DelSiTech and Anticancer Bioscience Announce a Collaboration Agreement for the Development of Long-acting Therapies in Oncology

    DelSiTech and Anticancer Bioscience Announce a Collaboration Agreement for the Development of Long-acting Therapies in Oncology

    DelSiTech Ltd, the leading silica drug delivery technology company, based in Turku, Finland and Anticancer Bioscience Ltd., an innovative China-base and international company pioneers in synthetic lethal approaches to precision oncology, announced a notable collaboration pertaining to the development of silica-based long-acting controlled release treatments in oncology. The collaboration joins key European innovations in biomaterials……

  • Startups in the Turku region | A walk and talk with Petri from Filmgate Finland

    Startups in the Turku region | A walk and talk with Petri from Filmgate Finland

    Petri Erkkilä knows movies inside out. He works for Filmgate Finland, a production company that makes VFX post-productions for international films. The company has recently expanded from Sweden to Finland, where Petri is responsible for their Turku office. With the increasing demand in the field, there is now a real need for experts of their……

  • Startups in the Turku region | A walk and talk with Dine from Tablebed

    Startups in the Turku region | A walk and talk with Dine from Tablebed

    When Dine Renfors moved into the center of Turku, he came up with an idea on how to save space: a piece of furniture that could be a table by day and a bed by night. This was the beginning of his startup, Tablebed, which has recently landed a one million euro contract in the……

  • Startups in the Turku region | A walk and talk with Iman from Silo AI

    Startups in the Turku region | A walk and talk with Iman from Silo AI

    Iman Azimi found the Ph.D. position of his dreams in the University of Turku where he could combine two of his main interests: AI and mHealth. After 6 years of living in Turku, he joined the Silo AI team – the biggest private AI lab in the Nordics! Silo AI started off in the Turku……

  • Startups in the Turku region | A walk and talk with Tomi from Brinter

    Startups in the Turku region | A walk and talk with Tomi from Brinter

    Tomi Kalpio, the CEO and co-founder of Brinter, came across a peculiar challenge of printing a human brain in 3D. This is how his long career in 3D printing had an exciting twist that included bioprinting – printing living cells. Tomi is originally from the vibrant City of Turku, which became home to Brinter as……

  • Startups in the Turku region | A walk and talk with Arjun from Comptek Solutions

    Startups in the Turku region | A walk and talk with Arjun from Comptek Solutions

    Arjun Mandal came across an exciting nanotechnology company called Comptek Solutions on LinkedIn back in 2017 when the company had just been founded. It didn’t take long until he moved to Turku for work – all the way from India! We asked about Arjun’s experiences of working and living in the Turku region for the……

  • Specialists’ and start-up entrepreneurs’ move to Finland to become quicker

    Specialists’ and start-up entrepreneurs’ move to Finland to become quicker

    Specialists’ and start-up entrepreneurs’ entry into the country will be easier. The fast track service currently under preparation will help professionals to start working in Finland more quickly. Customers will also be able to anticipate the processing of their application better than before. The Finnish Immigration Service will process the residence permits of those coming……

  • International Strenght for Increasing Dinolift’s Export Sales

    International Strenght for Increasing Dinolift’s Export Sales

    The Talent Explorer funding has encouraged the recruitment of the company’s first talent with an international profile. Dinolift Oy, a passenger crane manufacturer based in Loimaa, has long made the majority of its turnover abroad. So the company wanted to strengthen its export sales organisation with an international expert. According to Teemu Ristelä, Commercial Manager,……

  • Turku is included in the list of the world’s leading climate cities

    Turku is included in the list of the world’s leading climate cities

    For the third year in a row, Turku has been included in the list of the world’s leading climate cities. Thanks to its climate measures, Turku is recognised as one the 95 best cities in the world in the A list by the international CDP organisation. To meet the 1.5 degree warming limit target set……

  • Three international film productions in progress in Turku

    Three international film productions in progress in Turku

    International production company Filmgate Finland Oy has started operations in Turku. The company is currently developing three major film productions that have received funding from Business Finland’s production incentive for the AV industry. Set up in Turku, Filmgate Finland Oy is already working at three major international productions. The company’s first production is starring the……