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Kansalaisjärjestöt vientikohteena -infotilaisuus

28.09.2023 | 14:00-15:30

Turku Science Parkin, Business Tampereen ja muiden yhteistyökumppaneiden koordinoiman International NGOs -hankkeen tapahtumat käynnistyvät syksyllä 2023. Ensimmäisenä on vuorossa Business Tampereen järjestämä englanninkielinen infotilaisuus verkossa:

Exports to International NGOs info session

The Promoting Exports to International NGOs (INGOs) project is here to help you. We will organize webinars on the opportunities, challenges, and proper methods to enter procurements for large international NGOs, such as the United Nations, Red Cross, IMF, World Bank, etc. An estimate of the annual market potential is a substantial $20 Billion.

You will hear from the experiences of SMEs that have successfully won bids as they tell you the dos and don’ts of entering these markets. Furthermore, the project will arrange several trips for the most potential SMEs where they have a chance to meet representatives of different non-government organisations and inter-governmental bodies.

Join this first online awareness raising event to find out more:

14:00 – 14:10, Sami Puttonen, Business Tampere
Welcome to Export to International NGOs -project event

14:10 – 14:40, Kirsi Peltola, Finn Church Aid
What is it like to work with NGOs? What are expectations and what need to considered?

14:40 – 15:00, Jussi Nummelin, Finland Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
Latest updates and future perspectives working with NGOs from Geneva Permanent Mission of Finland

15:00 – 15:30 Axel Sointu, FinnPartnership
How to partner with Finnpartnership to accelerate projects in developing markets

What: Export to International NGO’s Info
When: Thursday 28.9.2023, 14:00–15:30
Where: Zoom

Register today!

More information: Business Tampere

Event photo: Visit Tampere, Laura Vanzo

