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Talent Boost Breakfast for Companies: The Money and the People – How Internationalisation Helps Health Companies

16.04.2021 | 08:00-10:30


When: Friday, April 16th, 8.30-10.00 AM (UTC+2)
Where: Online

The first Talent Boost Breakfast of 2021 is targeted at companies interested in hearing the latest insights into international growth and learning about concrete tools with which to achieve it. The event consists of incisive and information-packed speeches from top life science professionals both in the Turku region and nationally.

Key topics include:

  • What are the opportunities and challenges faced in HealthTurku, the leading health cluster in Finland?
  • How to find and retain the right talent?
  • What is the benefit of having an international team in attracting international investments?


Tero Piispanen, the Senior Executive of HealthTurku at Turku Science Park Ltd., opens the event by sharing the key challenges and growth opportunities the leading health cluster in Finland is facing right now

Keynote – Saara Hassinen, Managing Director, Healthtech Finland
”The People – The Need for Skilled Employees in the Health Sector”

Health technology is a rapidly growing industry of today and of the future, both globally and in Finland. Technology solutions offer better care for patients, help for professionals and increased productivity for healthcare, and well-being for the entirety Finland. Health technology is one of the fastest-growing high-tech export sectors in Finland: In just over 20 years, exports have increased five-fold with 13 billion euros in trade surplus. The sector employs more than 13,000 people in Finland. The companies engage in extensive research and development activities, and they also manufacture most of their products in Finland. Growth creates more jobs, but the companies are faced with a shortage of skilled employees.

In her keynote speech, Saara Hassinen, the Managing Director of the Healthtech Finland Association, will talk about the growing role of health technology in Finland, and the challenges the industry is facing due to the shortage of skilled labour.

Harriet Gullstén, Senior Advisor, Product Manager, Explorer family, Business Finland
”The Money – Business Finland’s Services for Internationalisation”

Harriet Gullstén is a senior advisor at Business Finland. For the last three years, she has been working with startups in the health sector, and for the last year, she has been the Product Manager of Business Finland’s Explorer funding, which aims to support Finnish internationalisation. In her keynote, Harriet Gullstén will bring all of this experience and expertise to bear. She will discuss the ways in which the Explorer family of funding options has enabled Finnish startups and growth companies to internationalise, and what kind of services are available on behalf of Business Finland to help companies tackle the challenges posed by the lack of skilled labour.

Company Panel

The Turku region is brimming with growth potential for health companies. Finding the right funding alternatives and support services for your idea, company or business is key for achieving international growth. Discussing this, and more, in the company panel at Talent Boost Breakfast, are seasoned experts from all walks of the health industry. The guests include:

  • Maarit Merla, Head of Business Development, Forendo Pharma Ltd
  • Claude Lamoureux, Data Protection Officer, PerkinElmer Wallac
  • Janette Uusitalo, Sales Manager, Saranen Consulting
  • The panel is moderated by Kimmo Laine, the Head of Growth at the Finnish healthcare company Heltti

The event is free of charge and will be held in English.

HealthTurku is an expertise centre for pharma, diagnostics and health technology, and a frontrunner in functional foods research. This event is part of the national Talent Boost program and is organized by Turku Science Park Ltd, World Trade Center Turku, and Business Finland. For more information, please contact Mrs. Janina Nieminen (, 040 756 7746).



