In early 2022 Northbound Startups offers two exclusive workshops on pre-money valuation for early stage investments.
Have you invested in startups and want to learn how to calculate your potential return on investment although the startup is pre-revenue? We introduce a straightforward calculation method based on the Investment Readiness Process by Beels.
Sign up for the free 3 hour online investor workshop either on Wednesday, January 24th at 9.00-12.00 EET or on Thursday, February 10th at 9.00-12.00 EET. These two sessions are identical with a limited amount of seats. Our coach is Björn Larsson from Beels, the developer of the Investment Readiness Process. More details and the agenda can be found in the brochure, link to the brochure of NBS Investor Training Workshop 2022.
Secure your seat by signing in to one of the sessions below.
NBS_Investor_workshop_I 26.1.2022
NBS_Investor_workshop_II 10.2.2022