Jutta Wiren

Ownership transfer councelling

Varsinais-Suomen Yrittäjät

+358 40 776 3640

I work as the Head of Economic Affairs at the Federation of Finnish Enterprises in Southwest Finland. My responsibilities include, among other things, municipal matters such as municipal advocacy and elections, as well as public procurement. Additionally, I am in charge of coordinating our Southwest Finland Business Succession Service. With my expertise and contributions, I aim to strengthen the operational conditions and success of businesses in Southwest Finland.

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The Business Succession Service is a crucial service for maintaining the vitality of municipalities and preserving jobs. Promoting smooth ownership transitions is impactful and efficient business policy. I hold a Master’s degree in Social Sciences, and my background lies in societal roles and communications. Previously, I have worked in various societal roles within politics and the non-profit sector, as an entrepreneur in the communications field, a journalist, and in our family business in the retail sector.