An international feature film has filmed in the Turku archipelago since June. The shooting has taken the crew among other locations to sunny Velkua, Merimasku, Turku and Ähtäri. Increasing amounts of film productions in the region employ the local film professionals and service providers.
The bold relationship drama Power of Love is filming in the dashing Turku archipelago from June to the end of July. The German-Finnish co-production is directed by German director living in Finland Jonas Rothlaender. The film was negotiated to the region by West Finland Film Commission, which is working under Turku Science Park Ltd.
– We are very pleased, that we got an international production to film in our region once again. Film productions always bring an amazing amount of new trade and employment with them, director of the Experience spearhead at Turku Science Park Ltd Teija Raninen comments.
West Finland Film Commission markets the Turku region as a filming location to both international and domestic film productions. WFFC helps productions find interns, AV-professionals, and collaborators from the regional service providers. WFFC also supports productions with the regional production incentive.
The production’s line producer Jirka Silander from Turku is glad that the city hosts many film productions. – Us film professionals and entrepreneurs find it vital that an increasing amount of both domestic and international productions film in Turku. West Finland Film Commission does a huge amount of work enticing versatile productions to the region, and the support they offer them is irreplaceable.

The region has gotten exceptionally sunny weather this summer. The director Jonas Rothlaender thought that maybe it is too early in June to come shoot in Finland, but the belief had proved false. – The filming has gone really well, and the beauty of the archipelago has given us its best! It has been a pleasure to film in Turku, and I thank the West Finland Film Commission for their hospitality and help, Rothlaender comments on the successful filming.
Rothlaender’s bold drama tells about Finnish Saara and German Robert, whose relationship is seasoned with deliberate and fascinating power play. As they are on vacation in the Turku archipelago they start a wild game, where the borders of reality and fantasy mix in a frantic way.

The leads are played by Finnish actor Saara Kotkaniemi and Swiss actor Nicola Perot. Also seen in the film are actors Outi Mäenpää, Timo Torikka, Elmer Bäck and Cecilia Paul. The film is produced by German StickUp Filmproduktion together with Finnish production company Bufo. Internationally successful Bufo is selected in this year’s Cannes with the films The Innocents and The Gravedigger’s Wife. The distribution of the film in Finland is done by B-Plan Distribution and it premieres in 2022.