BiC – Biomarker Commercialization

Duration: 1.10.2017 – 30.9.2020
Project partners: coordinator: Ideklinikken, Aalborg University Hospital, partners: Turku Science Park Ltd, Biopeople/University of Copenhagen, Tartu Biotechnology Park, University of Turku, ScanBalt, BioCon Valley, University of Vilnius, Wroclaw Technology Park and ScanBalt fmba
Funding: Interreg Baltic Sea Region 2014 – 2020. The project’s budget EUR 2.55 million and it is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme with EUR 1.96 million.
Project in a nutshell: This project aims to ensure a more successful commercialization of biomarkers in the Baltic Sea Region. Biomarkers is an area which is becoming increasingly important, giving rise to new areas of diagnostic and treatment and is forming the foundation of the new trend of personalized medicine.
The consortium has identified a gap in the current commercialization process, which can only be bridged by implementing a new, improved commercialization model, co-created with industry. Thus, this project aims to:
– Develop a screening procedure for early identification of the best biomarker projects
– Develop a commercialization model for biomarkers, ensuring early industry involvement
– Create a BSR Biomarker Ecosystem
The project is initiated by the technology transfer offices (TTOs), but all stakeholders from researchers, cluster organizations and industry will be involved in creating the project output.
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Contact person in Turku Science Park Ltd: Merja Tieaho