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Akateeminen & WTC Book Club

25.04. | 15:00-16:30

Have you always wished for a networking event, where you also learn something new and get to know people beyond the small talk?
Do you love learning new things and exchanging ideas and views with like-minded people?
Are you looking for inspiration to grow in your professional as well as you personal life through recent books and publications?

Akateeminen and WTC Turku have joined forces to offer a Book Club where books from business, economics, innovation, personal development and many other topics are read and discussed.

The Book Club meets at the Akateeminen store in Turku every few months and the next book is selected in the end of each meeting. The discussion takes place in English and most books we choose are only available in English as well.

On Thursday, April 25th, we’ll meet at 15.00 to discuss Quit by Annie Duke, available to purchase in the Turku store. During the book club meeting at the store, Akateeminen offers the participants a 20% discount on books, stationery and artists’ supplies.

It is free of charge to join the meetings, just register in advance by clicking here!




Akateeminen kirjakauppa / Academic Bookstore
Yliopistonkatu 27
Turku, 20100
+ Google Map