Booking an appointment for business advice

Welcome to book an appointment at Business Turku’s business advisory service

Are you starting a business or a new entrepreneur? Book an appointment with our business advisor.

Want to develop and grow your business or go international? Book an appointment with our growth advisor.

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Are you planning to start a business or are you a new entrepreneur?

  • Do you need help applying for start-up funding, for example, or want to tap into our extensive network of experts?
  • To get started, book your first half-hour appointment with a business coach. Let’s look together at the best way forward
  • If you are starting your first business, it’s a good idea to attend a start-up info session (only in Finnish) before meeting a business adviser. You can also download the Guide to Entrepreneurship here. It’s a good information pack to help you in setting up your business

Do you have a working business?

  • Do you need help to develop your business or, for example, to internationalize?
  • You can book an appointment for a Teams meeting, a phone consultation, or an on-site meeting. The duration of the meeting is 1 hour.